Bulk edit projects

๐Ÿ’ช Available / Released

Add the possibility to multi-edit projects

Martin Lonsky | APUtime

1 year ago

Martin Lonsky | APUtime

Bulk edit of projects: Ready for release

0    9 months ago    Reply

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Alina Barcikowska

We need to edit and update in bulk on a single working view the number of hours on a given project - preferably also with access to API . From my point of view, one of the steps to optimize the work plan is to divide the available total hourly budget into tasks within a specific planned project - such a possibility so far I do not see and this is a critical functionality to enable the planned budget to be imported into aputime .

0    2 months ago    Reply

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We love to listen to our customers.
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Martin Lonsky | APUtime changed status to ๐Ÿ’ช Available / Released

8 months ago

Martin Lonsky | APUtime changed status to โœ… Staging for release

9 months ago

Norm Sash

I would like to be able to multi-select projects from the Project Dashboard and then update all of them at the same time. For example, the way Aputime handles recurring tasks, it creates a brand new project for every recurring task. (that's a separate problem.)

So to clean up the Project Dashboard I have to individually update each separate project to remove it, requiring multiple clicks. Very time consuming.

It would be so much easier just to multi-select projects and the Update > Remove to clean up the dashboard.

0    1 year ago    Reply

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