Add sub-process as reference

πŸ’ͺ Available / Released
Martin Lonsky | APUtime

Adding sub-processes as references to the original process allows you to modify micro-processes without the need to update their usage in other processes composed from these.

1 year ago

Martin Lonsky | APUtime

Reusable processes come to APUtime soon.
You can check this short video for your feedback.

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Martin Lonsky | APUtime changed status to πŸ’ͺ Available / Released

5 months ago

Martin Lonsky | APUtime changed status to βœ… Staging for release

5 months ago

Martin Lonsky | APUtime changed status to ⏱ In progress

8 months ago

Miroslav SΓ‘zovskΓ½

Am I getting this right?
For example, if I understand correctly, I have to create a graphic for a marketing campaign. In the whole campaign process, I have this activity as just one task. However, this task consists of a micro-process (creating graphics for Facebook, writing texts, proofreading, etc.). This micro-process runs separately and I only include it as a link in the whole marketing campaign.

I would appreciate this improvement.

0    1 year ago    Reply

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We love to listen to our customers.
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Martin Lonsky | APUtime

Thank you, Miroslav, for the clarification of the feature request.
That's precisely what the feature is about.

This microprocessor will collapse multiple tasks into one Node.

Technically, if you connect a link "To or From" this micro-process, APUtime will automatically create links in the final project between all Sources and Sinks (Sources - all tasks without any tasks above, Sinks - all tasks without any tasks below). Is this expected anyway?

1    1 year ago    Reply

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We love to listen to our customers.
Always act with respect to each other - we are all thinking differently πŸ˜€

Martin Lonsky | APUtime changed status to πŸ›  Planned

1 year ago

β„Ή ProjectFormationβ„’
πŸ™ Feature